The Prayer team

pray with us

Join the Faith and Freedom Coalition of California in praying for our Country, our State, Our elected Officials, Our Churches, Our Pastors and Our neighbors regularly and on special dates throughout the year. Consider joining us to pray in person for March for Life events when announced. Join us by praying:

“Dear Lord Jesus, Righteous God and Lord of all creation,

Thank you for the blessings in which you have given us. Thank you for the opportunities and the trials you have delivered to us and delivered us through. Please bring your peace beyond all human understanding to your people throughout the world. Please grant wisdom to leaders in the United States, In California, in our cities, Churches, and our Communities. Please use them to bring Justice for the downtrodden, Mercy for the widows, orphans, and victims, and the Fear of the Lord to those who would do evil. God please grant our leaders the attitude of Solomon when he said ‘I… do not know how to carry out my duties. Your servant is here among the people you have chosen, a great people, too numerous to count or number. So give your servant a discerning heart to govern your people and to distinguish between right and wrong. For who is able to govern this great people of yours?’

Please bring comfort to those of us who mourn for our loved ones, as we know they pray for us while standing in your glory. God I thank you for comforting the victims of our evils, for taking in and caring for the babies lost to our evil choices, the victims of crimes we didn’t prevent, and those lost to poverty that we did not care for. Forgive us for our sins and failures, embolden us to live our lives to correct these wrongs, and remind us God of your goodness and plan to bring us in into your kingdom. We pray for all of those who do not know you to know you.”

Please join us in praying this prayer on:

  • The National Day of Prayer –1st Sunday in November

  • The Anniversary of Roe V Wade / March for Life – January 22nd

  • Election Day – on each National Election